About us
Grafičar Grupa is one of the leading printing companies in the region with a wide product range, significantly present in many of the largest companies in Croatia and beyond. Grafičar d.d. was founded in 1954 in Ludbreg, where the company’s headquarters remains to this day. Other members of the Group are Znanje d.o.o. and Grafičar tvornica vreća i tiskarnica, each specialized in certain graphic products. Grafičar Group employs around 500 people.
“Every delivery should be a recommendation for a new job”
To guide towards the sustainable development and to build long-term trust with our customers and suppliers, while following our own values in every aspect of our business, that is the business premise of Grafičar Group at every delivery.
Therefore, the Group’s policy and objectives are focused on the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the quality management system and the environment in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001/2015 and ISO 14001/2015, as well as on the application of modern technological solutions.
We are proud that the products produced in the Grafičar Group are in compliance with all the requirements of the EU regulations and the legal regulations for paper and cardboard packaging for food industry of Republic of Croatia.
Mission statement
The mission of Grafičar Group is to ensure the highest quality standards in packaging production and to provide its business partners with the best value by considering the principles of competitiveness and social responsibility.
Vision statement
The vision of Grafičar Group is to be an internationally relevant company by setting new standards of excellence in all production processes.
Basic information
Tvrtka: Grafičar dioničko društvo za proizvodnju ambalaže, grafičkih proizvoda i rehabilitaciju invalida
Skraćeni naziv: Grafičar d.d.
Sjedište i adresa: Ludbreg, Frankopanska 89
Osnovna djelatnost: tiskarska djelatnost
Pravni oblik: dioničko društvo
Direktor: Franjo Beser
Telefon centrala: 042/405 300
Telefaks: 042/810 582
OIB: 78723936298
Matični broj kompanije (MB): 03072878
Matični broj subjekta (MBS): 070011142, Trgovački sud u Varaždinu
Temeljni kapital Društva: 29.600.000,00 kuna, uplaćen u cijelosti
Godina osnivanja: 1953.
Žiro račun: 2360000-1101742412
IBAN: HR6823600001101742412
Banka: Zagrebačka banka d.d , 10000 Zagreb
ISO 9001/2015
Certification carried out by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance on March 31, 1998 and today we are certified by SGS certified company according to the standards of ISO 9001/2015.
ISO 14001/2015
Certification carried out by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance on May 3, 2004 and today we are certified by SGS certified company according to the standards of ISO 14001/2015.
FSC Certificate
FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is an independent, non-government and non-profit organization established to promote responsible management of world forests. One of the tasks of the FSC organization is the establishment of norms which are ensuring the promotion of ecological responsibility, socially and economically viable management of world forest resources.